Sorry for disappearing without explanation.
Business has been good. In fact, so good that we’ve been swamped. The attention we had planned to lavish on this site was derailed by the demands of our practice.
So while tending to the tasks of providing the level of service our clients have come to expect, our blogging has slid. The good news is our new staff has survived the rigors of their first audit/tax season and adapted well to LLL’s demanding expectations. Barring another year of explosive growth, we will not forsake our blogging duties again. We’re hoping explosive again, but plan to be better prepared.
For the comments we have received, thanks! We’ve been surprised by the complements we’ve received for our writing skills. We also appreciate the encouragement to continue providing the information you find useful.
We have a lot of goodies planned for the remainder of the year. There will be more posts which we hope you will find interesting. Our goal is to be a useful news aggregation site that you will enjoy checking in on from time to time. We will soon begin posting articles of interest to the construction industry written by our construction industry audit and tax professionals. There are also new pages coming to the site. The analytical reporting package our clients value so highly is being converted to web page format for your edification.
So, thanks….we’re back!