Closely related to an operational audit is the internal audit. In providing internal audit services to your company, Lanter, Leonardo & Levy’s mission is to provide an independent review and appraisal of the internal control environment. We examine productivity, quality, compliance controls, consistency, and cost in order to measures your company’s overall effectiveness. Our review determines if transactions are executed with management’s authorization and that access to assets has management’s authorization.
In our examination of internal controls, we look at two areas: (1) Administrative controls, which deal with the procedures and records that lead to management’s authorization of transactions; and (2) accounting control, which are a set of procedures and records that involve safeguarding assets and the reliability of financial records.
An internal audit is an important tool in the quest to provide a reasonable assurance that your company’s financial records are free of misstatements. Effective internal controls ensure that the company’s financial statements are accurate and reliable.
The best strategies for business and personal growth and success are specific to your business and personal situation. Your plan must be tailored to fit your unique circumstances. Contact Lanter, Leonardo & Levy for a no obligation consultation on building and preserving the company and wealth you have worked so hard to achieve.
Call Alex Leonardo or Rick Captain today at 561-998-7770