This is a wonky article, but as a huge fan of best practices, I thought I’d post it. Every time I’ve stepped back and taken a look at the big picture, I’ve gained valuable insights. It’s hard to do sometimes, but having an effective strategy in place for your business is one of the most important things you can do. You can operate an ‘early-stage’ construction company out of your hip pocket, but there comes a time that you need to graduate.
Contracts for Future South Florida Construction Work Up 99%
Here’s confirmation of what we reported on earlier, with a few more details. At least I think ‘up 99%’ means ‘doubling.’ It does. Take my word on it. I’m a CPA.
List of Proposed & Planned South Florida Condo Towers
Here’s an impressive list. Let the good times rol. Frankly, I’m in shock. It’s like there never was a burst bubble.
Good Time to Build Condos in Miami & West Palm?
The Atlanta Fed says yes, citing several factors. I have been surprised, as have many others, as to how fast we are seeing new construction.
Florida Lien & Bond Law Changes
Here’s a great site to bookmark and return to. As a CPA firm dedicated to the construction industry, we are always looking to stay abreast of Florida construction lien and bond law changes. We come here often. You should, too. It’s a website run by Malka & Kravitz, P.A.
Payroll Tax Cut to Expire
Be prepared for the complaints. They’re coming. The temporary payroll tax holiday is set to expire at year end. During my days as a Controller, I always hated changes in withholding rates, because there was always a segment of the crew that refused to understand why their take home pay went down. Have fun!
Special Per Diem Rates Updated
I always love posting from the Journal of Accountancy. I can imagine my faithful readers’ eyes rolling back in their heads. Hey, this is part of my effort to keep you informed of important information, so give me a
The rules and rates for 2012-2013 have changed.
SW Florida Industrial Real Estate Market Improves
Vacancies are down, construction is up. The SW Florida market was hardest his by the recession. It’s nice to have some good news. The glut of space is slowly but steadily disappearing.
Residential Construction Doubles
South Florida residential construction has doubled over last year. A good sign, as this type of construction leads commercial. Most of the residential starts are in condos and rental apartments.
Naples Strict Design Codes
The city of Naples is giving Race Trac fits in its design of its new location on the outskirts of town. Forewarned is forearmed. More here. The chair of the Design Review Board indicates that that’s how we used to do it back in Chicago. May I suggest that if things were so wonderful back in Chicago, then he’d still be living there…lol. Just kidding.